Game, Learning and Growth” Project 2021-2022

This year, the kindergarten participated in the “Play Learning and Growth” project. The goal of this project is mainly to adopt a child-oriented approach. From the perspective of children, understand their abilities, needs, learning methods, and existing experience and interests as the blueprint for arranging courses. Use thematic teaching and project study methods, such as drawing up plans, collecting teaching materials, organising learning environments and making teaching aids to learn in a rich environment, and encourage interaction and mutual learning between children to enrich children’s learning experience. In-game teaching promotes home-school collaboration and supports the whole-person development of children.

Young Farmers World

“Children Farming World” activities include letting children learn about planting knowledge. Firstly understand the growth conditions of crops through soil and watering. It allows them to explore freely, find problems, try to make predictions, hypotheses and experiments, and find out by themselves. The answer, construct relevant knowledge.

Picture Book Teaching

After the children listen to the story in the picture book, they use the drama method to translate the story’s content together. The children in the upper class will also adapt the story and create the story’s ending. When children and teachers perform dramas together, they make props and costumes. They will learn and explore the exciting content in the story, deepen children’s understanding of the story, and improve children’s language skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills.

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Parents-Teacher Association

Game, Learning and Growth” Project 2021-2022 This year, the kindergarten participated in the “Play Learning and Growth” project. The goal of this project is mainly to adopt a child-oriented approach. From the perspective of children, understand their abilities, needs, learning methods, and existing experience and interests as the blueprint for arranging courses. Use thematic teaching and project study methods, such as drawing up plans, collecting teaching materials, organising learning environments and making teaching aids to learn in a rich environment, and encourage interaction and mutual learning between children to enrich children’s learning experience. In-game teaching promotes home-school collaboration and supports the whole-person development of children. Young Farmers World “Children Farming World” activities include letting children learn about planting knowledge. Firstly understand the growth conditions of crops through soil and watering. It allows them to explore freely, find problems, try to make predictions, hypotheses and experiments, and find out by themselves. The answer, construct relevant knowledge. Picture Book Teaching After the children listen to the story in the picture book, they use the drama method to translate the story’s content together. The children in the upper class will also adapt the story and create the story’s ending. When children and teachers perform dramas together, they make props and costumes. They will learn and explore the exciting content in the story, deepen children’s understanding of the story, and improve children’s language skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills. Parent-Teacher Association The PTA is an integral part of school life and is committed to working with parents and the school. Our objectives are: • To promote a sense of community among teachers, parents and students • To provide a forum for parents and teachers to exchange views for the benefit of students • To encourage parents to participate in school programmes/activities Joining the PTA will enable you to understand further and build networks among parents through various activities.


全港各官立及資助小學星期一(十一月十八日)公布有關二○二○年九月入讀小一的學校自行分配學位錄取名單。 教育局發言人今日(十一月十五日)表示:「今年有52 473名兒童申請官立及資助小學的自行分配學位,有23 340名兒童獲派此類學位。其中屬於有兄/姊在該校就讀或父/母在該校任職類別共13 211人,餘下10 129人則屬按『計分辦法準則』分配類別。」 教育局提醒所有曾經為子女申請自行分配學位的家長,應於星期一(十一月十八日)或星期二(十一月十九日)上午九時至下午五時,攜同小一入學申請表的家長副本,前往所申請的小學查閱申請結果。鑑於近日的社會狀況,家長如因交通或其他特殊情況未能前往所申請的小學查閱申請結果,可瀏覽學校網頁查閱申請結果或致電學校查詢。 獲得自行分配學位的兒童,其家長須於星期三(十一月二十日)或星期四(十一月二十一日)學校辦公時間內,前往所申請的小學辦理註冊手續。 家長須注意個別學校的註冊程序及要求,例如須攜帶小一入學申請表的家長副本及兒童相片的數目等。 發言人說:「家長若因要事或交通情況影響,未能在上述指定期間辦理註冊手續,須事先與學校負責人聯絡,以便作出適當安排,否則將被視作放棄該學位論。」 根據小一入學統籌辦法,所有官立及資助小學的自行分配學額約為該校小一學額總數的百分之五十,餘下的百分之五十學額將留待稍後統一派位階段時分派。 發言人補充說:「教育局會於明年一月上旬以書信通知未能獲得自行分配學位及只準備參加統一派位的申請者,於一月十八日或十九日前往指定的統一派位中心,辦理選校手續,以便進行統一派位。若家長在一月十九日後才為子女提出申請參加本年度小一入學統籌辦法,他們須前往教育局學位分配組辦理有關手續,教育局會於二○二○年六月為申請兒童另行安排小一學位。」 他提醒所有家長:「曾經獲派小一學位的兒童,日後不可再次重新參加小一入學統籌辦法。」 完 2019年11月15日(星期五) 香港時間15時00分









家長須注意個別學校的註冊程序及要求,例如須攜帶小一入學申請表的家長副本及兒童相片的數目等。 如有進一步查詢,可致電2832 7700與本局學位分配組聯絡。






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